Summer Reading
Altered Books by Jacqueline Rush Lee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altered_book

Lorem Ipsum
![Lorem Ipsum [summer reading series]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59e67e75a9db099bec977524/1508870088952-PWMJSPAUKLEJQNV9PSLF/Lorem+Ipsum+II+frontal.jpg)
Lorem Ipsum [summer reading series]

hand-stitched, sumi-ink splashed

Lorem Ipsum II 57" x 61" x 24"

Lorem Ipsum (Photo Brandon Liu)

lorem ipsum ii
A Reworking of the book THE TEN BAMBOO STUDIO Chinese Masterpiece Woodcuts

Artist with POD
Buddhist & Children's Book Pages

Hand-stitched Detailing
In the Summer Reading Series, 2010, the formal and conceptual arrangement of found Asian Literary texts are scrambled into structures which one can see into and through. By extending the practice of hand-stitched book binding and splashed sumi-e inks into other realms of the book, the subverted functional and aesthetic purposes of stitching and inks create open-ended sculptures which close off written content to create an experiential reading of a structure made from books

Manipulated, hand-stitched Text Books 2010
In Collection of Herb & Nancy Conley, HI