Altered Books by Jacqueline Rush Lee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altered_book

Whorl Solo Exhibition Excerpt. Photos + Curation: Andrzej Kramarz, 2024
![Do the Trees and Plants Whisper Secrets to you? [Video in Foreground].](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59e67e75a9db099bec977524/1714612039169-VKDDZ6292YG7QLIUPWMU/image-asset.jpeg)
Do the Trees and Plants Whisper Secrets to you? [Video in Foreground].

Whorl Overall Exhibition View from West Wing

"Fieldwork" Hand-Crafted Artist Book in Foreground. Fieldwork details the book sculptures changing over time. To the left is a transformed book sculpture presented on a tree limb enveloped by a cloud of light.

Fieldwork Accordion Book Detail.
Copper Patina Covers, Photographic Prints on Hahne Muhle Rag Paper, Leather. 19' Extended. 14.5 x 23 inches closed

One of "Fieldwork's" Copper Covers
Patinated Copper Cover of Accordion Book
14.5 x 23 inches

Whorl Solo Exhibition Excerpt. Moss Code and Portal Installations in background

Moss Code
Moss Floor Installation 12' x 12', 2024
In the form of a Fibonacci sequence of hybrid, preserved moss, this installation echoes "nature's code" and the material elements that have interacted with the book "Whorls" in the exhibition
![Portal. Gold Leaf Application in Gallery Architectural Niche. [Photo by Artist]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59e67e75a9db099bec977524/1722373223319-EO42LJDAF6ZOSLW7DXZG/portal-gold-leaf.jpg)
Portal. Gold Leaf Application in Gallery Architectural Niche. [Photo by Artist]

Pictured - Transformed Whorl Book Sculpture with "Embrace" transformed book sculpture with tree limb in background

![Exhibition Excerpt East Wing [Makai Gallery]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59e67e75a9db099bec977524/1716675542759-KJLIF300VCSMELAYOVAO/image-asset.jpeg)
Exhibition Excerpt East Wing [Makai Gallery]

Whorl Exhibition Excerpt. Questions to a Waterfall video in background
Flesh Made Word


Referring to the basic patterns of the human fingerprint, Whorl originated as a site-specific, time-based installation transformed in collaboration with nature. As iconic vessels of culture, knowledge, and classification systems, books are returned to their botanical origins and gradually subsumed by nature. Whorl was originally curated as a site-specific installation by Gaye Chan at the Bamboo Breezeway, University of Hawai'i at Manoa; with site-specific assistance by student assistant Soomei Tei, Mark Sindelar, Nick Lohr and Mathew Lee.

Trail Marker, Site-Specific Work, VA

Detail from "Whorl" a site-specific installation located in the Bamboo Breezeway, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Curated by Gaye Chan.

Detail from "Whorl" a site-specific installation at the Bamboo Breezeway, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Curated by Gaye Chan.

Cove Forest Trail Marker, GA

Trail Marker Detail 2017
This interlacing form is reminiscent of illuminated manuscripts from the Book of Kells

WHORL Site-Specific Installation, NC. 2017